Our mission is to develop innovative solutions for tomorrow’s energy system
Our software tool SmartSim for gas quality tracking enables gas grid operators selective invoicing of customers when different gas qualities (natural gas, biogas, hydrogen) are injected into the grid. SmartSim is already used successfully by more than 30 gas network operators worldwide.
The software GasCalc allows precise prediction of all relevant natural gas properties.
We would be pleased to make our technical know-how available to you.
SmartSim GmbH was founded 2018 as a spin-off from E.ON.
Highlights & Projects
Why SmartSim is now being used in Austria
Since the beginning of 2024, two grid operators in Austria, Netz Niederösterreich GmbH and Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH, have been using SmartSim for the first time to determine the correct calorific values (CVs) for their customers. Both grid operators are applying gas quality tracking to operate their grid flexibly in the upcoming expansion of biogas injection.
Read moreIn Colombia, the first gas quality tracking system on the American continent has been launched
A challenging project has now been successfully completed. SmartSim has been implemented for the grid of the Colombian transmission grid operator TGI, and the results were presented in various workshops in Bogotá.
Read moreLNG injection into the distribution grid of SH Netz AG in Brunsbüttel
In March 2023, LNG will be injected into the gas distribution grid of Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG in Brunsbüttel for the first time. SmartSim enables correct billing despite a wide range of gas qualities in the grid and contributes to securing the European energy supply.
Read moreCan gas quality tracking also be applied to downstream distribution grids? This is exactly what we have now proven for the first time at LSW Netz…
Over the past few years, CV determination by gas quality tracking has become state of the art…
Read moreTracking gas quality in Colombia: from the Caribbean coast to the equator
The gas grid in Colombia is supplied from various sources. On the Caribbean coast in the north, natural gas is fed into the grid of the state-owned transmission operator TGI (Transportadora de Gas Internacional S.A.) both via pipelines from Venezuela and via an LNG terminal.
Read moreThe natural gas network as an energy store – already reality in Brunsbüttel today
The expansion of wind power and solar plants is being driven forward rapidly. But there is a catch: the sun and wind are subject to natural fluctuations. In order to balance supply and demand, effective storage options are needed.
Read moreDigitalization makes it easy to inject renewable gases
Electricity can be injected comparatively easily into existing distribution grids – regardless of whether it comes from gas-fired power plants, photovoltaic or wind power plants. The situation is different in case of the gas grid: Depending on the origin of the gas, the energy content or the calorific value respectively can vary significantly.
Read moreServices
The SmartSim method enables the exact determination of the calorific values (CV) and further gas quality properties at all exit points of the grid based on gas quality tracking. In this way, customers in supply areas with several natural gas or biogas injection points can be invoiced with the correct CV.
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The exact knowledge of physical properties of natural gases is important for many technical applications. This applies, for example, to the billing of delivered energy, the determination of CO2 emissions, the design of gas transport facilities or the optimization of gas appliances.
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Metrological services
The use of gas quality tracking systems according to ISO 15122 or DVGW technical code G685 requires a metrological validation at regular intervals. Especially in regional distribution grids, usually only a limited number of permanently installed process gas chromatographs are available, which could be used for comparison purposes. The acquisition and operation of such stationary systems is associated with high costs.
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Our team has a comprehensive expertise in gas technology and many years of experience in the energy industry. Our products, such as GasCalc and SmartSim, can add value in a wide variety of applications involving the gas grid or gas appliances.
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Natural gases of different origin may vary significantly in terms of their composition and hence their calorific value. The calorific value of biogas, which is increasingly fed into grids, is usually 5-10% lower than that of thenatural gas prevailing in the supply area.

“Digitization” is a megatrend that impacts almost all areas of daily life. Handling both the opportunities and risks of digitization will pose a significant challenge for the future. Digitization can, for example, permanently alter – and in some cases even entirely replace – established processes and structures.