Metrological services

Mobile measurement of gas quality

The use of gas quality tracking systems according to ISO 15122 or DVGW technical code G685 requires a metrological validation at regular intervals. Especially in regional distribution grids, usually only a limited number of permanently installed process gas chromatographs are available, which could be used for comparison purposes.

The acquisition and operation of such stationary systems is associated with high costs. For this reason, mobile measuring systems have been increasingly used recently. Such mobile devices can determine the gas composition at any point in the grid for a defined period of time.

In principle, either mobile process gas chromatographs (PGC) or gas sample collectors can be used for the measurement. A mobile PGC continuously measures the gas composition as well as the relevant gas properties such as calorific value or standard density. With a gas sample collector, sampling and gas analysis are decoupled; the latter is evaluated e. g. in a suitable laboratory. This way, the expenditure can be reduced significantly compared to a measurement with a mobile PGC.

As a company we offer such mobile measurements as a service. For this purpose we have several gas sample collectors (GasPro) at our disposal. The GasPro has been developed in cooperation with Ehrler Prüftechnik GmbH and in February 2019 it has been approved by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt for the validation of gas quality tracking systems.
Together with our cooperation partners caplog-x and Open Grid Europe, we also offer measurements with mobile process gas chromatographs.

Mobile gas sample collector – our services:

  • Preparation of sample cylinders
  • Transport and installation of the sample collector on site
  • Execution of sampling over a period of e.g. 4 days
  • Analysis of the composition in the accredited calibration laboratory GH80 of our cooperation partner Open Grid Europe
  • Preparation of a report incl. certificate of analysis

Measurement by means of mobile process gas chromatograph:

We would be pleased to submit an offer in cooperation with our partners caplog-x or Open Grid Europe GmbH.
